The acquiring of winter rations has begun in ernest. To add to our frozen stores, this week we acquired extra lamb chops, dried beans, and cases of wine. We also got bulbs for the early spring.
We also discovered a new delight. Let us tell you how wonderful grilled fig and brie sandwiches are. Wait, it can't be described. You'll just have to try them with us next fall.
Bounty List
assorted flowers
white acorn squash, cream of the crop variety
2 kuri squash
wine - three cases - one of Reversal, one of Rose, and one split between Syrah and Cabernet
Hanna Bridge Cheese, Ancient Heritage Dairy
2 Willamette Valley Creamery cheeses, Brindisi and unknown
green leaf lettuce
red cabbage
rome apples
large assortment of bulbs
purple haze carrots
apple cider
Winter Green Farm marinara sauce
yellow chard
copra storage onion
pimento pepper
yellow italian pepper
yellow and red bell peppers
dried beans
honey, 2 jars
fire roasted peppers
lamb chops
butternut squash
whole chicken (for roasting)
decorative ghost squash